Sep 12, 2012

Celebrating Rivalry Week: Stained Glass Rivalry Panels

It's that time again. That magical time of year when friends become enemies almost instantaneously. For me it's not so much the friendships that magically disappear for a couple of hours: it's my marriage.

Yes, that's right. I, a BYU Cougar, married a Ute fan. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but it seems to be working (except on Rivalry Day, of course ;) ).

Okay no, it's really not all that bad. To be honest, I'm not very big into the whole rivalry thing no matter what team it is. Don't get me wrong, I love my Cougars, but I'd rather spend my time watching the game in the background than being on the front lines battling with the rest of the crowd.

But regardless of your team preference (or distance from the battle), there's one thing we can all agree on: a good game. That's why Aaron and I decided to celebrate together—in style!

Check these babies out: stained glass Utah and BYU logos. These were so fun to make but it tends to be pretty pricey and time-consuming. Totally worth it though! They are beautiful, decorative, and totally unique.

You can't really tell cause mine is so dark but the blue is translucent like the red in the "U"

Aaron's "U." This came out to be about 8"x8" ish.

And my "Y." This one came out to be about 7"x11" ish...

And you can have one too! These, and other team designs are individually hand-crafted and make great gifts. Comment if you're interested and I'll give you the details. Or just comment and tell me what you think! :)

Sep 2, 2012

A Culture of Faith

Okay, so I know I'm not very good at keeping up with this whole blogging thing but I feel like it's too much work to come up with something to talk about every couple of days. I don't feel like anything in my life is quite that interesting at the moment. At least, not in any way that is detailed enough to write a blog post about it. Instead, I resort to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Today, however, something hit me that I think is interesting. You see, I keep a journal of all the inspiring quotes, scriptures and any other thought or inspiration that come to me but I write them with my future children in mind. I've never been good at keeping a journal, but knowing that my thoughts and experiences may be important to my family later down the line, I figure the most important information I can keep a record of for them are my thoughts on common questions—gospel-related or otherwise. Basically bits and pieces of my testimony, if you will. I want to share a part of that here...

Now, I should preface this by saying that I don't speak on behalf of the Church or anyone else for that matter. These are simply the thoughts that come to mind when I ponder on the subject.

There is a lot of pain in this life. A lot of suffering and misery. And it's that pain that causes people to question the goodness of God. Is He really there? Does He even care? Why me? Why put me through this? Why does He let bad things happen to good people?

The truth of the matter is, I don't know. I don't know the answers to all these questions and I'd be willing to bet that few people in the world really do. But here's my take on it all: He IS there and He DOES care. In fact, he loves you dearly. Yes, you. You are HIS child and there is nothing more important in the world to him than you. Once we understand that and accept it, the rest really isn't so hard...

So why you? Why let you feel sorrow, loneliness, pain, fear?

Have you ever worked out after not having done so for a while? You tire quickly, you're sweaty and the next day you're so sore you never want to work out again. But you know it's good for you so you push through. You try again, even though it hurts like crazy. But soon enough, you find yourself breathing easier. You're not quite so sore and you find you can do more now than you could right at first, right?

It's the same thing with God. He pushes us so we can become better and even though it hurts sometimes, in the end, it's all for our own good. So we can become stronger. So we can fight harder. So we can stand taller and know that we've accomplished something great.

Now I know, that's a lot easier said than done. Because let's be real, being there in the moment, feeling all that negative emotion and hurt, it really sucks. I know. And it's different for everybody. But that's because we each grow in different ways. We are each unique—stronger and weaker in different areas than others. But God knows each of us individually, better than we know ourselves. And it's faith that gives us comfort in the end that He is teaching us individually in our own ways too.

You know, being a Latter-day Saint (or Mormon, as it were) has really opened my eyes to all the temptations out there. How easy it is to get caught in the snags of the world and be pulled down! I'll tell you what, I've had my fair share of those. I guess that's why I'm so glad to have the standards that I do. Now, I'm not tooting my own horn. I just mean I'm grateful that the Church (the Lord) has set forth certain standards to keep us on track. To keep us on the Lord's side.

This is what got me thinking today; how these standards and commandments help keep us on the Lord's side. I know a lot of people of other faiths (though not all) express that the LDS living standards are to restraining. I imagine one day I'll have a cranky teenager or two who will tell me the same thing: that Church standards are too strict and take away agency. That's when I started to understand.

What do you say to someone who feels that way? For me, it's this: God gives us these commandments and standards as guidelines to keep us happy and safe. He knows us each individually and he knows the temptations that come with being human, with being mortal. He WAS mortal! He gives us these guidelines to keep us from experiencing even more sorrow and pain!

Now, of course we still have our agency. No one is making us choose righteousness. But there's an understanding that every decision comes with a consequence, whether good or bad, and you accept that based on your choice. Imagine a railing on the edge of a cliff. Do we consider that restrictive? Probably not. It's just keeping us safe from harm, right? But just like the commandments, no one is there making us stay on the safe side. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could climb the railing and jump off the other side, though I think you'd have to be pretty desperate to do that. All I'm saying is, no one has to be there to make us because we already know we're safe as long as we don't cross the line.

It's the same difference as between the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. Of course we'll feel restricted if we're trying to force ourselves into a mold we're not comfortable with. Granted, for some, that mold may fit just right. But for others, it may be too specific. We're all unique. Ultimately, I believe our choices and decisions are between us and the Lord. That's why we have our agency in the first place. To figure out how to make good choices and still be ourselves. As long as we're trying our best to follow those standards and guidelines, and we're focused on the Lord, that's what matters most, right?

It's not about being restricted and suffering. It's about helping us learn to make the kinds of choices that allow us to feel happy and free.

Feb 26, 2012

Our Musical Love Interest

This story deserves a little explanation, so I'm going to back up about two weeks ago to Valentine's Day...

I was trying to come up with something sweet I could do for Aaron for V-day and was coming up blank. Even after searching Pinterest I was completely lost. So after some brainstorming with my bestie, Alexa, I had it: a "14 hours of Valentine's" project where he'd open little gifts (favorite candies, chapstick, etc.) every hour on the 14th minute. (I got my inspiration for it here.) Sappy right? But Valentine's Day is the one day a year I can do that and get away with it. I must say, it was HARD coming up with 14 little gifts to give him. I wish I had pictures cause it was super cute but I'll just list some of the things I came up with...

1. Conversation hearts (he LOVES those)
2. Peeps
3. Mexican candy
4. Chapstick (I got the raspberry lemonade kisstix at Macey's cause we always joke about them)
5. A kite from the dollar store
6. Dinner
7. A coupon for tacos
8. Reeses
9. Valentine's salt water taffy
10. A grow a pet (since he won't let me forget how much he wants a dog...)

There were a few other ones too but I don't remember them all. I splurged a little and got him some concert tickets too. Any of you who know Aaron know that he loves We Are The In Crowd and I saw they were coming to town so I surprised him! He was ridiculously excited.

Which brings me to last night. The concert was awesome! It's been so long since Aaron and I have been to a concert together (last one we went to was our first date to 30 Seconds to Mars) so it was super fun to do it again. Every Avenue was headlining who we didn't know quite as well but it didn't matter, we were there for WATIC anyway. :)

One of the opening bands was really good too: Simple as Surgery. They are from Georgia and are super young! I think the lead singer said he was 19. Crazy.

Simple as Surgery at In the Venue

Anyway, they were on their first U.S. tour so Aaron and I decided we were gonna be fans from the start. The second band, The Audition, sucked. They were crude and annoying but whatever. Then came WATIC and we were front row! (Aaron got a pick at the end of the set too! Benefits to being front row!)

We Are The In Crowd at In the Venue

We didn't stay for Every Avenue because we'd seen who we came to see and frankly, had we stayed any longer, we both would have been deaf (my ears are still ringing!) All in all, it was a great evening. And we've got another one coming up next month! (Aaron got me tickets to my favorite band, Cartel, for Valentine's Day.) Looking forward to more fun dates with my wonderful hubby!